Last Website Update: July 13th., 2004
Please Note: This website is not officially associated with the East Broad Top RR & Coal Company. The Website author, James Vliet, is
solely responsible for the accuracy of its contents. Any comments, suggestions or corrections should be emailed to James Vliet
Welcome to my information webpage about the East Broad Top Railroad. This is my on-line
repository of information about the East Broad Top RR, including photos, drawings, and
other items. I plan to constantly
revise and grow this web site, so check back often!
The East Broad Top Railroad is the last surviving original narrow-gauge railroad in the
Eastern United States. It was built in 1872-74 to connect the rich coal fields of Broad Top
Mountain to the Pennsylvania RR main line. It continued to haul coal until it shut down in
1956. However, instead of being scrapped as so many other rail lines were, it was bought by
Kovalchick Salvage Co. and kept intact. In 1960, tourist rides began on a five-mile stretch
of the original 33 mile main line. Although the rest of the line is inoperative and
overgrown with trees, and time has taken its toll of many of the wooden structures, the
East Broad Top RR remains essentially intact, with its original steam locomotives and much
of its rolling stock still in place.
Today, you can visit the East Broad Top Railroad and on
summer weekends ride the train, or look around the yard and buildings.
HABS/HAER Drawings
My Photographs of the East Broad Top Railroad
Standard-gauge freight cars on the East Broad Top Railroad
Modeling the East Broad Top Railroad
My 3D CAD model of the Timber Transfer crane
Please visit these East Broad Top Railroad web sites:

The East Broad Top Railroad

Friends of the East Broad Top

Chris Coleman's East Broad Top Railroad Homepage
Please contact me at
This entire web site is copyright 2002, 2003 by James A. Vliet. All Rights Reserved.